CSC 352

Game Development

Lab 04 - Platformer Game

This assignment is to create a simple platformer game. Your game should consist of the following at a minimum:



Out of 100 points:

Architecture (50 Points)

0 Points - Code doesn't compile

10 Points - Everything is in main.

25 Points - There's a Sprite class, a Platform class and a vector or list of Platform objects.

30 Points - There's a game, Sprite, and Platform class, but main is still doing too much.

50 Points - The main function just initializes the Game class and starts the game loop. The Game class has multiple functions for each part of the game loop, and the Sprite class is properly architected.

Features (50) Points:

0 Points - Code doesn't compile

10 Points - The sprite appears and moves left and right.

20 Points - The sprite can move left and right and jump.

35 Points - The sprite can move left and right, jump with momentum, and fall.

50 Points - The sprite can move left and right, jump with momentum, fall, and land on platforms.


  1. Navigate to the folder containing your source code.
  2. Create a zip file of your entire project.
  3. Upload that zip file to mySVU.