Statement of Work
As a team, you need to develop a brief proposal for your team project. This will define the scope of the project, and help you to distinguish between required features and "nice to have" features.
Also, please note that this is a contract between your team and your sponsor. You will be held accountable for delivering each of the required features, so be mindful of what you promise.
It is much better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around. This doesn't mean just put "Hello World", but it does mean that you need to be thoughtful about the core features that your sponsor needs in order for the solution to be workable.
In addition to core requirements, you will also list stretch goals. Stretch goals are features that you hope to be able to include. They will make your project better, but aren't required in order to achieve the base functionality.
Please note that to earn a 90% (Good) on the "requirements" line item of the final project rubric, you must complete the required features. In order to get 100% (Exceptional, not just good) for that line item, you will be expected to complete some stretch goals as well.
Read the Description section of Minimum viable product on Wikipedia.
Next, download this template and read over it as a team.
Meet with your sponsor to understand their project requirements.
Identify the list of required features and stretch goals.
Have each member of your team and your project sponsor sign the Statement of Work (by typing their name in the correct box).
Export the completed document as a PDF and submit it to mySVU. Only one member of your team needs to submit this document.