Team Agreement
Perhaps the largest factor that will contribute to the success of our team projects will be our ability to work well as part of a team. Working as a team has the potential to create challenges in school projects, and it can also cause those same challenges in the workplace! And yet, almost all software is developed by teams, so learning to work well with others is a critical component of this course and this degree.
One of the keys to being successful is to establish expectations at the beginning of the project. The purpose of this team contract is to help us specify the expectations we have for ourselves and each other, as well as other items, such as how we plan to resolve conflicts, etc...
Some of the items on this contract are spelled out specifically, others are framed for you, but require you to determine the specifics, and others are left wide open.
Please take this seriously, because we will hold to it firmly throughout the semester.
First, watch this video with your team. This is the culture we are aiming for:
Next, download this contract and read over it as a team.
Decide which of you will carry out each project role.
Decide what the penalties will be for different infraction levels.
Complete the contract, have each member sign it.
Each team member should submit a copy to mySVU. When you submit the contract, make sure the one you are submitting is not blank. You'll need to Save or Export as PDF (Depending on your operating system). Then open the saved file and confirm it contains the data you enetered.