CSC 223 — Authoring for the Web


In this assignment you'll use JavaScript to add a dynamic copyright notice to your How-To article.


  1. Create a new javascript file.

  2. Correctly link that file to your How-To article page using a <script> tag.

  3. Add an empty <div> tag to the bottom of the html page with a unique id.

  4. Write the necessary JavaScript so that the text "Copyright: ", along with the current date in the format mm-dd-yyyy appears inside the div tag when the page loads.

  5. Make sure your copyright div is correctly styled with CSS to make it easily visible.

  6. Update the table of contents link on your index page if necessary.

  7. Submit the url to your github pages site to MySVU. (This should be something like


var number = 7;
var myString = "My favorite nunmber is " + number;