Sample Lab Report
Every lab report should answer four questions:
What was the most difficult part of the assignment?
What did you do above and beyond the assignment requirements?
If you were getting paid to take this assignment further, what would you like to add?
After completing the assignment, what questions do you still have?
The following is an example of a weekly lab report. As you read the report, note the following:
Questions are answered using proper grammar and spelling.
Questions are answered using complete sentences.
The answers show that the student has spent time reflecting on the assignment and pondering about what they learned.
Lab Report
Name: Lee Falin
Lab: Week 5 - Number Guessing Game
What was the most difficult part of the assignment?
I found the most difficult part of the assignment to be the random number generation. It was easy to compare the user's guess with the secret number, but getting the program to come up with a random number for the game was difficult at first.
What did you do above and beyond the assignment requirements?
To make the game more fun, I added some random phrases. This was easy to do once I figured out how to generate random numbers. For example, instead of saying "Your guess was too high", the computer might respond with "Wow! That was a lot bigger than I expected." or "You might try something a little lower next time."
If you were getting paid to take this assignment further, what would you like to add?
If I had the time (and knowledge), I would love to figure out how to make this run on my phone. It would be a lot of fun to play this game at parties, and having it in a mobile app would make that easier.
After completing the assignment, what questions do you still have?
When I was researching how to generate a random number, I saw a few different options. Some of the descriptions said that some methods had more "bias" than others. What does that mean and how would it affect the program?