CSC 213 — Programming Fundamentals

Code Submission

It is your responsibility to turn things in correctly and on time, so be sure to double-check that you've done it correctly.

  1. First, double-check that your program runs successfully in IntelliJ.

  2. Close the project in IntelliJ

  3. Navigate to the location where the project file is stored (by default, this will be in your home folder, under IdeaProjects).

  4. Right click on the folder for this project and compress it into a zip file. On a mac, you'll select "compress". On Windows, you'll select Send-To->Compressed (zipped) folder.

  5. Log into MySVU, select CSC213 from "My Courses" and click on "Coursework"

  6. Click on the lab you are submitting

  7. Click on "upload file", then click on "choose file",

  8. Click on "upload" and select "local machine"

  9. Navigate to your IdeaProjects directory and select your zipped file you created in step 4.

  10. Click on "insert" and then click on "add file"

  11. Finally, click on "finalize" (the blue box with the green writing).

  12. Write a lab report for the lab you completed, and upload it to MySVU. The lab report should be a plain text document, Microsoft Word document, or PDF. See this example for what constitutes an appropriate lab report.