CSC 240

Theory of Computation

Lab 11 - Turing Machine

In this assignment you will design a Turing Machine in C++.

Programming Syntax

The programming syntax for the Turing machine consists of the following format:

# Setup

# Transition Rules

Example Program

A program for the machine that accepts strings that consist of 0's and 1's sorted correctly (00011, 0000, 111, 0111, 01, etc..) might look like this:

# Setup

# Start Rules

# What happens after we've seen a 0

# What happens after we've seen a 1

Program Output

When you launch the program, it should prompt you for the path to the rules file, then prompt you for an input string, then process the string through the machine described by the rules file.

At each step, it should print the step number and machine configuration, in the format:


Where <state> is the name of the state (including the angle brackets) and uv is the string, and the read/write head points to the first character of v. (For more information about the configuration string format, refer to pages 168-172 of your text)

At the conclusion of the run, it should print ACCEPT or REJECT accordingly. Remember that if the machine reaches a state for which it has no transition rule, it should reject by default.

Example Output

Here are a couple of example runs of the Turing Machine for the above sample code:

Turing Machine Simulator
Rules File: C:\Users\bob\Desktop\rules1.txt
Input String: 0001

0. <start>0001
1. 0<zero>001
2. 00<zero>01
3. 000<zero>1
4. 0001<one>
5. 0001_<accept>
Turing Machine Simulator
Rules File: C:\Users\bob\Desktop\rules1.txt
Input String: 0100

0. <start>0100
1. 0<zero>100
2. 01<one>00
3. 010<reject>0


Extra Credit (20 Points)

Write a program that allows your Turing Machine to add two number together using the algorithm we discussed in class on Friday (continually decrease one number by 1 while increasing the other).

Your program should work with any two numbers of arbitrary length so long as they are separated by one blank.


For the string: 12 15, the Turing machine's final configuration before accepting should be:

27 00<accept>

For the input string: 199 1, the Turing machine's final configuration before accepting should be:

200 0<accept>

For the input string: 99 10, the Turing machine's final configuration before accepting should be:

109 00<accept>

Starter Code

The following starter code contains functions for loading the rules file, and breaking each rule up into a vector of strings (a process called "tokenizing"):

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using std::fstream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

vector<string> loadInstructions() {

    vector<string> instructions;

    string filename;
    cout << "Rules File: ";
    getline(cin, filename);

    fstream fin(filename.c_str());
    if(!fin) {
        cout << "Error opening file " << filename << endl;
        return instructions;

    string line;
    while(getline(fin, line)) {
        if(line.length() > 0 && != '#') {

    return instructions;

vector<string> tokenizeString(string & str) {

    vector<string> tokens;

    int start = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
        if( == ',') {
            tokens.push_back(str.substr(start, i - start));
            start = i + 1;
        else if(i == str.length() - 1) {

    return tokens;


int main() {

    // Get the rules
    vector<string> instructions = loadInstructions();

    // At this point instructions[0] should contain the 
    // start, accept, and reject state names
    // instructions[1] to instructions[n] should contain the transition
    // instructions.

    // Print out the rules for verification:
    for(int i = 0; i < instructions.size(); i++) {
        cout << instructions[i] << endl;

    // You can use the tokenizeString function to break each line up
    // into a vector of strings:

    // Example: tokenize rule 1:
    vector<string> ruleOneTokens = tokenizeString(instructions[0]);

    // Print out the tokens for verification:
    for(int i = 0; i < ruleOneTokens.size(); i++) {
        cout << ruleOneTokens[i] << endl;



Out of 100 Points:


To submit your assignment, zip your C++ file(s) and upload them to mySVU.