Lab 06 - Finite Automata
There is a new, all-purpose programming language called CavaML++, designed to let you combine the best parts of C++, Java, and HTML.
In this assignment, you will design and code a finate automata to determine if a given string in that language is a valid comment or not.
Comments in CavaML++ begin with the character sequence --{*
and end with the sequence *}--
The following are valid comments in CavaML++:
--{* This is a comment, it should be ignored. *}--
--{* In CavaML++, comments start with --{*. *}--
These are not valid comments:
--{* Missing a closing tag.
--{* In CavaML++, comments start with --{* and end with *}-- *}--
Design a DFA that can accept valid CavaML++ comments and reject invalid ones. Then, implement that DFA in C++.
Your program should prompt the user for a string, then use the DFA to determine if it is a valid CavaML++ comment or not. If it is a valid comment, it should print out: Valid Comment
. Otherwise, it should print out Invalid Comment
Example program runs:
Enter a string: --{* In CavaML++, comments start with --{*. *}--
Valid Comment.
Enter a string: --{* Missing a closing tag.
Invalid Comment.
Make sure your program works for each of the test cases listed above.
While there are many techniques one could use to determine if a string is a valid CavaML comment, you must use a finite automata in order to receive credit.
Out of 100 Points:
- There is a DFA implemented: 30 Points.
- The program successfully detects at least 2 of the 4 test cases using a DFA: 20 Points.
- The program successfully detects all of the 4 test cases using a DFA: 20 Points.
- The program successfully rejects at least 2 of the 4 invalid cases using a DFA: 20 Points.
- The program successfully rejects all 4 invalid cases using a DFA: 10 Points.
To submit your assignment, zip your C++ file(s) and upload them to mySVU.