CSC 240

Theory of Computation

Lab 00 - C++ Coding Setup - Windows Edition


In this course, you'll need to solve some problems using the C++ language. For this assignment, you'll make sure your C++ development environment is set up correctly.

The following instructions are for the Linux operating system.

1. Install the c++ compiler

Use whatever package manager your linux system uses to install the GNU c++ compiler.

For example, on Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Mint distributions, you would use:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

2. Install a text editor

Install a programmer's text editor. There are dozens of these available, most for free. Some options include: emacs, spacemacs, vim, Atom, or Sublime Text.

3. Write some code

Create a new file called main.cpp. Write the following code in that file:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello world!\n";
    return 0;

The main function is the entry point to C++ programs. std::cout is the console output stream object. The above code uses the stream operators (<<) to stream the text "hello world!", followed by a new line, to the console output, causing the text to appear on the screen.

Save the file and exit the text editor.

4. Compile and run the code

From the command line, navigate to the directory containing your .cpp file and compile it with g++:

g++ main.cpp

This produces an executable file called a.out. Execute that file:


You should see the text "Hello world!" displayed on the screen.

5. Submission

To finish up, modify the code so that instead of "Hello World", it says "Hello, YOUR NAME". So if my name were Lee, it should say "Hello Lee".

Recompile the progam to produce a new a.out file.

Run the a.out file to make sure it works, then submit the main.cpp file to mySVU.

If mySVU gives you an error about the file type, put the main.cpp file in a zip file and upload the zip file.